Petherbridge Bassra’s specialised Prison Law team have first-hand knowledge of the Prison system and regulations with our experts in Prison Law having worked in a variety of Prison establishments and departments including Offender Management, Security and Residential.
It is fair to say that the judicial system works hard in dealing with the issues of crime and disorder yet it appears in some instances that once incarcerated the system of rehabilitation, for which the Prison Service is intended to deliver, slows down and you become forgotten about.
Here at Petherbridge Bassra our exclusive knowledge sets us aside from other Legal firms that specialise in Prison Law, giving us the confidence to provide specialist advice and support and ensuring that the care that you have received from us throughout your criminal matters does not simply end when you could be at your most vulnerable in Custody, relaying upon the correct processes and timescales being adhered to.
We at Petherbridge Bassra are able to provide the best advice from any stage of your sentence, from those of you who are newly sentenced through to those of you who are at the latter stages and ready to progress to open conditions or indeed release on licence.
Our team of experts regularly attend establishments across the Prison Estate in England and Wales and believe that getting the right Consultant with a proven track record in Prison Law can make a big difference to the outcome or success of your progression, appeal or complaint.
Listed below are just some of the circumstances where we can help with practical legal prison law advice:
Initial Categorisation and Re-Categorisation Reviews (ICA1 & RC1)
Sentence Planning & Oasys risk assessments
Progression to the Open Estate
Adjudication – advice or representation with Independent Adjudicator
Parole Board Review (Including Pre-Tariff and HMP Halfway Review)
IPP issues
Home Detention Curfew (HDC)
Judicial Reviews
Advice for Foreign Nationals
Release on temporary licence (ROTL)
Probation Licence Conditions & Exclusion zones
Recalls & Oral Hearings
Representation at all levels, including European Court of Human Rights
Accidents / Injuries whilst in custody
General advice on all prison matters
In almost all circumstances our advice is free and covered under the CDS (Criminal Defence Service). Call us today to find out more.
Areas of Prison Law that are covered by Legal Aid:
Independent Adjudications
Parole Boards
Pre-Tariff Lifer Review Boards
Half Way Tariffs (HMP's)
Prison Law covered privately:
Initial Categorisation Appeals
Re-categorisation Representations
Re-categorisation (knock-back) appeals
HDC 'presumed unsuitable' representations
HDC appeals
OASys risk assessment disputes
OASys risk assessment delays
Sentence Plan target disputes
MAPPA Level disputes
Release on Temporary Licence appeals
Licence Conditions disputes
Judicial Reviews
Civil Matters

Petherbridge Bassra’s specialised Prison Law team helps people who are in prison, and their families, to still have access to justice. Listed below are just some of the circumstances where we can help with practical legal advice.